Tetsuo HARADA l artist
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drawing + painting + model + object + installation + public space + video + other

sculpture Let's go to archive by year !
original 1024 500
Barrage, 胎児, Barrage
120mx16m, 500 granite pieces

The sculptures for the dam Tazawako, Akita. The low relief, the bench of friendship, the river.


Les sculptures pour le barrage de Tazawako, Akita. Le bas relief, le banc de l'amitié, la rivière ...

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painting Let's go to archive by year !
1024 500
Fœtus, 胎児, Fœtus
120x120cm Acrylic painting

. This painting represents the beginning of cell division, starting life


Cette peinture représente le début de la division cellulaire, départ de la vie.

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drawing Let's go to archive by year !
1024 500
Paysage, 風景, Paysage
50x65 cm, crayon

: This drawing is an imaginary landscape done in pencil


Ce dessin est un paysage imaginaire. Tetsuo Harada l'a dessiné au crayon.
